Payment Links

Accept stablecoin payments, receive euros.

Enable stablecoin payments for your business—no code required. Get paid through any channel: attach your Payment Links to invoices, email, SMS, WhatsApp and other platforms.

Stablecoin payment links, crypto payment links

"In under 5 minutes, we can create and send a payment link to our international clients to be paid instantly and seamlessly, without having to be exposed to crypto. Payment links are extremely easy to use and Fipto takes care of everything behind the scenes, making it a hassle-free transition for us.”

Jeremy Picard, Chief of Staff, Pandascore

pandascore logo

Accept stablecoin payments with ease

No exposure to crypto
Accept stablecoin payments and get paid in euros. Fipto converts automatically for you.
Stress-free payments
Over/under-payments are automatically handled to make sure you get what you asked for, no matter the conversion rates.
Get paid faster
Track all payment statuses from your history page. Get notified by email on each new payment.
No-code or API, you choose
Create ready-to-use payment links in seconds from your Fipto account, or leverage our powerful API to create fully customisable payment flows.
Custom workflows
A programmable API to generate your Payment Links

Leverage Fipto’s robust API to power your existing payment workflows. Generate Payment Links at scale, saving you valuable time and effort.

2  "data": {
3    "type": "payment_link",
4    "attributes": {
5      "external_reference": "4FI5f k1kh",
6      "note": "Monthly invoice payment",
7      "base_amount": "1000.00",
8      "base_asset_code": "EUR",
9      "expiration_date": "2017-07-21T17:32:28Z",
10      "destination": {
11        "wallet_id": "c43De00E-82be-bE90-E14F-E7F6feCCdC7E"
12      }
13    }
14  }

Pricing structure

Payment Links


Fees for the merchant


0% transaction fees

0% withdrawal fees

Unlimited Payment Links


Fees for the customer


per transaction

Large Volumes

Discounts are available based on transaction volume.

FAQ - Payment Links

How do I create a Payment Link?

From the Fipto app menu bar, select “Payments” > “Payment Links” and click on “Create new link”.
You can customise a new Payment Link with the following items:
• Recipient address → Choose to receive the funds into your Fipto wallet (”Fipto Wallet”) or into an external account you own (”Beneficiary self”);
• Amount → Set the amount and target currency you want to receive, we will generate a real-time quote that will be automatically set to receive the exact amount you chose, including conversion rates;
• (Optional) Note → Add a note to provide some context about your payment request (ex. “March consulting fee”);
• (Optional) External reference → Add a payment reference (e.g. your invoice number);
(Optional) Expiration date → Set a date at which your Payment Link will automatically expire.

When you are done, click on “Create link” to successfully generate your Payment Link.

What do payers see when they click on a Payment Link?

When your client clicks on your Payment Link, they will be able to review your payment request with the following information:
• Amount in euros → the exact amount you requested them to pay;
• Note → The payment note you may have added to justify the payment's nature;
• Reference → The payment reference you added (ex. your invoice number).

From the payment page, your client will be able to select which currency they would like to pay in. We currently support the following currencies (note that this list is frequently updated by Fipto to highlight any newly added and removed currencies):
USDT (Ethereum Chain)
USDC (Ethereum Chain)
USDT (Polygon Chain)
USDC (Polygon Chain)

Once the payment currency is selected, your client will get a conversion quote from their selected currency to euros. This quote will refresh automatically every 30 seconds to guarantee the best available rates and liquidity.

How do I get paid using a Payment Link?

Once your client accepts the conversion quote, Fipto will lock the quote for 15 minutes for them to finalise his payment. Once their payment is processed, validated by the blockchain and AML-CFT checks are done, your Payment Link’s status will be updated to “completed” (available from your Payment Link history) and you will be notified by email of the new transaction.

You will receive your funds directly in euros into the recipient address you selected when creating your Payment Link.

⚠️ Fipto can only guarantee a quote for 15 minutes. If a client fails to finalise their payment within this time frame, the payment flow will be aborted and a new Payment Link will need to be generated to initiate a new updated quote for your client.

How long does it take to receive a payment?

Once the payer successfully processes a payment, your funds will be automatically converted to euros and instantly deposited to your specified Fipto wallet.